Always Say I Love You Quotes

Love is one of the greatest feelings in life, but how do you show your loved ones that their presence in your life is the best thing that’s happened to you?

Giving them gifts, appreciating their roles in your life, dedicating your time to them, opening the line of communication, among others, could be beautiful ways to do so. But the effect of saying the words ‘I love you’ can never be quantified or rivaled.

The three words “I love you” are magical, powerful and very personal. Saying them makes people feel the magical effect even more. So always say “I love you” to your family, friends, and significant others to let them know how you feel!

Set aside some time each day to express your feelings and thoughts using these beautiful words put together in these always say I love you quotes.

Always Say I Love You Quotes

Voicing these three powerful words ‘I love you’ is an important part of any relationship, whether you are dating, in a long-term relationship, or married. It should be said with sincerity and truth behind it. Don’t say them simply because you feel like you have to; say them because you mean it.

1. When you can say, ‘I love you,’ not just with your lips, but with your heart, soul, and mind, that’s when you know you’ve found the right person.

Always Say I Love You Quotes

2. Never be afraid to say these three little words, “I love you”, even if they aren’t being said back to you.

3. Pause before stepping out of bed in the morning, look into your partner’s eyes, take a deep breath and say “I love you” before doing anything else.

4. Every memory with you is like a beautiful dream and I never want to wake up from it. I love you.

5. Always say I love you to your loved ones. Never take them for granted.

6. I love you and only you. Forever and ever until we are long gone and become a part of the earth once again. You matter to me, and I’d do anything for you.

7. I was just going to wait until later to tell you, but then I thought why should we waste any time? I love you.

8. Thank you for being you and always saying I love you… just the way you are and always will be. I love you so much.

9. The words “I love you” are magical, powerful and very personal. So, I say them every day.

10. If you have it, then you are lucky. If you find it, keep it. If you lose it, search for it. Whatever the case may be, never let “I love you” slip away from your mouth.

Always Say I Love You Quotes

11. Make your feelings known by saying “I love you” at least once a day. Let someone special to you know how much they mean to you.

12. Telling people how much you love them can make a big impact in their lives. Say it more often and mean it with all your heart.

13. Let your loved ones know how much you care and express your feelings to them with a simple “I love you.”

14. To everyone I have said those three words “I love you” to, I truly do mean it. Thank you for bringing love and joy into my life.

15. Every day, I think about you and how much I love you. So, I’m writing to say how much I love you.

Always Say I Love You Quotes

16. I love you, I miss you, I can’t live without you.

17. Don’t keep it in, let them know how you feel. Show them and make their day by telling them “I love you”.

18. I love you all. I’m proud of you. Keep going, and thanks for allowing me to be part of your lives.

19. Be the glitter in someone else’s day. “I love you” can just be all you need to say.

20. Saying “I love you” to someone is special. It can mend broken hearts and heal your soul. Find the courage to say it, keep it, and never lose it.

21. I love you and that’s all I need to know.

22. To show your love for a friend or family member, tell them “I love you” at least once. Let someone special to you know how much they mean to you.

23. Not the kind of love that would simply fade away. Saying “I live you” always can simply make that stay.

24. Don’t let your guard down today, or you might miss out on what life has to offer. Say I Love You before it comes to an end.

25. Never forget to show the people you care about how much they mean to you, and how grateful you are that they’re in your life. You may not always say it, but show them through actions.

Always Say I Love You Quotes

26. Always say I love you, but never say goodbye.

27. It’s easy to take your love for granted, but it shouldn’t be. I’ll make it a duty to always say “I love you”.

28. No matter how busy our lives get, it’s important to find time for the things that are truly meaningful. And saying I love you is certainly one of them.

29. When you’re feeling your best, say “I love you”. And when you’re not, let someone know they’re loved anyway.

30. I love you all the time, I just don’t tell you that enough.

Always Say I Love You Quotes

31. I love you. I love how you look, talk, and act with others. Without you, my life is like a broken pencil.

32. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want you to know how much I appreciate you! I Love You!

33. One of the most easy and pleasing ways to express gratitude to your partner is by telling them “I love you.” It makes the relationship stronger than ever.

34. I know you’re hurting, but I’m here for you, and I will never let you go. I love you

35. Life is much better when I get to spend it with you. I love everything about you, and will support you in everything you choose to do.

36. Everyone deserves to have a little extra love—especially you. Always tell the important people in your life how you feel.

37. I love you” are powerful words, not just because it’s something you say to the person you care about most but because it reminds us to focus on what is good, cheerful and beautiful in our world.

38. I love you more than the moon, and stars that shine at night. I love you more than rain drops in a storm and more than birds love to sing. I can’t imagine life without you!

39. In good times and in bad, make sure you never lose sight of love and the power it wields when you voice how you feel. It’s rare to find, so treasure it.

40. I want you to know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I appreciate and love you more than anything in the world!

41. I love you and support your every dream. Now be great and go conquer the world.

42. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

43. I want to be with you no matter what, even if I’m sad or mad. I’ll always say: I love you.

44. The best part of waking up is getting to think about how much you mean to me. I love you.

45. Never doubt how much I love you. With all my heart, I love you.

46. Days that used to be long are short now since you came along. I love starting my day with you and ending my day too. You’re the best and I love you!

47. Sometimes love is hard to find, but don’t let it slip away. Hold on tight because love is always worth the fight.

48. Love is the most powerful emotion in the world. Find it. Keep it. Protect it. Never let love slip away.

49. Life is better when you know you’re loved. Show the people close to you how much they mean to you by saying “I love You” at least once a day.

50. I love you for who you are and what you stand for. You give me the strength to succeed, and without you in my life, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

51. Partners, friends…we all know a few people who say “I love you” often. But the person they really should say it to is themselves.

52. Words can’t come close to how much I love you. I’ll say it anyway.

53. As we get older, the people we know and love drift apart. Life pulls you in different directions and you lose touch with people…so make an effort to foster those relationships with the words “I love you”.

54. Always remember to say I love you, just because you never know what tomorrow comes.

55. In a world where everyone is waiting for something, it’s really nice to know you are waiting for me. I love you.

56. I thought that I would never find anyone who loves me the way you do. What more can I say than “I love you”.

57. I’ve found that when you’re happy and in love, time flies by so enjoy every moment.

58. I wanna spend all my time with you just professing my undying love to you always.

59. I love you and I’ve always loved you since the day we met. I will always love you, till the end of time.

60. I love you today and tomorrow and next week and another ten thousand tomorrows after that. I will always love you.

61. Your love keeps me going, your support makes me thrive. A big thank you for always being there for me. I love you!

62. Saying I love you is the easiest way to make my heart smile.

63. I love you so much, but remember that I’m always here to help you. Trust and love yourself.

64. You’re special to me in every single way. I love you too.

65. I could not imagine my life without you, but thank God I didn’t have to. I love you to the moon and back.

66. To the girl who wakes up at 6 am every morning so I can sleep in without a care. I love you more than any other person in my life.

67. I love you. I don’t need to see your face, hear your voice, or even feel your touch to know this. I’ve always known.

68. Thank you for everything. I am better because of you. And I love you more than I can express. Words I’ll still use every day.

69. Saying I love you should not be determined by moods. Say it when things are going great or tough, especially when you have no words to express how you really feel.

70. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are gray. I love you.

71. Showing you care is as easy as saying, “I love you.” Try it today and every day.

72. Saying I love you always isn’t a phrase, it’s a way of life.

73. I believe that love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you feel it when it’s said through words.

74. I love you the way a drowning man loves air. And it would destroy me to have you just a little.

75. It is the little things that make life beautiful—the way you wrap your arms around me when I fall asleep on the couch, and most importantly, the way you say “I love you”.

76. I didn’t know how much I loved you until I saw how much you loved me.

77. Sending you all the love in the world. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

78. I’ve found the key to keeping my spirits up when things look down. It’s saying I love you always.

79. Don’t forget to say I love you always and for everything loved ones do for you because that’s what makes them feel valuable.

80. Saying “I love you” in a different language never loses its meaning.

81. Saying “I love you” is the easiest way to make someone feel loved

82. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

83. There is no greater happiness for humans than the enjoyment of hearing your beloved say “I love you”.

84. I love you so much, I just can’t ignore it. I’m sick with love for you.

85. You are my life, the reason I breathe. I love you more than words can describe. I promise to be your biggest fan, rooting for you to succeed in everything you do.

86. Saying I love you means putting your words behind your feelings and actions.

87. Always say these three words “I love you” firmly as strength will always be there whenever you need it.

88. No one is perfect and that includes the love of your life. The trick is to own up to it, be accountable and show that you mean what you say by always saying “I love you”.

89. Saying I love you is one of the most important things in a relationship.

90. People, who completely trust each other, don’t need to question their partners’ feelings towards them. That’s why it’s key to say I love you only when you mean it.

91. Love is the reason we get up in the morning, and the reason we go to sleep at night. I would be nowhere without you. I love you.

92. You’re my favorite person… in the whole world. You’re my best friend and I love you.

93. Sometimes all you need is to be reminded of how much you’re loved and I’m glad to be your living alarm.

94. I love you today as I did yesterday. I’ll love you tomorrow as I do today. My heart is here, wherever you go.

95. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to love, be honest, and true. So say “I love you” at any time you want because they will understand it when they are most in need of it!

96. Saying ‘I love you’ actually produces the same effects in the brain as receiving an actual physical slap.

97. Being able to say “I love you” is one of the most important things you can do for your spouse.

98. My favorite act of love is the one that takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.

99. Nobody ever told me they loved me. I had to tell them how much saying it means to me.

100. Always say I love you. Even when you don’t want to. Especially when you don’t want to.

So many of us don’t say the words “I love you” enough. We say them in a text message or mumble them during phone calls. And sometimes, we think we’re showing it to that special someone, but we don’t actually say it.

Saying “I love you” should be shouted from the rooftops if possible, accentuating each letter. Always say I love you with all of your heart, soul and mind. I mean, if you’re going to spend your life with someone shouldn’t they know that you love them?

That’s why these always say I love you quotes were pieced together to help you voice out your feelings through words and actions also. Hope you received help going through them. Your comments are highly welcome and don’t forget to share.