Fake Love Fake Promises Quotes

A relationship where you genuinely love your significant other and have true feelings for them is what most of us dream about. So, it can be quite devastating to be in a relationship of fake love, with the person who’s just pretending to love you.

Faking love is a heart-breaking experience. No one likes to admit that they faked their feelings because it can make them feel like a fraud and they can lose friends over it.

Real love is not about how much you say “I love you”. It’s about who you can’t stop thinking about when you’re apart and when it hurts most to realize that you can only have them in your dreams.

Have you ever been told, “No matter what, you will always have me?” Have you ever been in a relationship and said, “I love you more than I can even express in words.” If you have, then chances are that your partner has let you down. We have all been hurt by people we love at one time or the other.

That’s why you need to check out these fake love fake promises quotes below. It’s about fake love, loneliness, cheating and unfinished friendship.

What Do Fake Love Promises Mean?

Fake love promises are promises that are made by people who don’t intend to keep them. These are also called empty or false promises.

When you make a promise for the sole purpose of getting something from someone, it’s inherently fake because your interest is entirely selfish and self-serving. You don’t care about the other person, only what you can get from them.

Fake love promises are also made when we want to get out of something we don’t want to do, or when we just want our partner to shut up already so we can go back to doing what we were doing before they interrupted us.

Sometimes fake love promises start out innocent and happen because the person making them is not able to follow through on their promise for whatever reason. People make fake love promises because they don’t understand how that promise affects the other person emotionally or physically.

Can a Love Promise Be Fake?

Yes, you can fake a love promise and fake promises are common but when it comes to love. When you fall in love, you want to make the person you’re with happy. You hope that your actions will show the person that you love them. You can promise each other a lot of things. However, there are times when promises can be fake.

When someone makes a fake promise, it means they said something they have no intention of keeping. It’s as if they were saying nice things to keep the other person around or to get something they wanted from them.

Fake Love Fake Promises Quotes


Love can last a lifetime, but fake love can make you live in an illusion. If it does not make you face the reality, it makes you live in a mirage. If your love promise is fake and false, then your love itself is fake and untrustworthy.

1. Fake love and promises only cause resentment and most times the person who makes the fake promise is left broken-hearted and alone.

2. Fake promises are worse than a broken heart. They’re filled with regret and sorrow.

3. Fake love is like fake people. You know they’re not real, and you don’t care.

4. Fake love promises can bring sadness to people who trust each other. They bring bad news for them.

5. Fake love is worse than a breakup. At least when you break up, it’s over and you can find closure.

6. Stolen moments of passion are better than empty and fake promises of love.

7. Fake love is like a rose, looks beautiful on the outside but there’s no heart.


8. Don’t fall for ‘special treatment.’ It’s false love at its finest.

9. Faking love is the worst thing one can do to others. It is like you are fooling someone on the basis of your desires and needs.

10. Fake promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after a beautiful hover.

11. Making fake love promises is just not the way to go. It makes people feel bad, it hurts their feelings, and it leaves a bitter taste in their mouths.

12. When you make fake love promises it’s like promising someone that you will shower them with diamonds, but instead, you give them a rock.

13. Fake love is when you say everything is okay when they’re not. Fake promises are when you say that you’re willing to go through hard times with them and then turn away, breaking their heart.


14. Never make promises you know you can’t or won’t keep. Fake love is the ultimate betrayal.

15. Making promises you don’t plan on keeping is a very hurtful thing to do. If someone trusts and believes in you, they deserve the truth, not lies and false pretences.

16. Fake love promises are like a slow painful death. It’s better not to make any love promises and just be happy for the time you have together.

17. Life is hard enough, without making up fake love promises. So if you try and make a love promise to someone that you don’t intend on keeping, it will only drag them down.

18. To make and keep fake love promises to someone you only know online is a very destructive thing to do. It will break their heart when they find out you have been lying.


19. It hurts to have fake love when the person doesn’t really care. It’s even worse when their soulless promises are broken, and the one you gave your heart to doesn’t feel a thing.

20. It hurts to make a fake love promise that you don’t even mean. Saying it is one thing, but making it into something real is another. Sometimes people fall for the fake promises and become emotionally invested in something that has no future.

21. You know that you’re making fake love promises when you say that you are going to do something, then don’t do it. People make the mistake of making fake love promises all the time. Learn to keep your promise to someone and don’t tell them you will do something and not do it.

22. Fake love. Fake promises. It brings misery, but right now I’m too busy to even think about it. My life is like a train going off the tracks, and all I can do is just hold on tight and pray that it will be okay from here on out.

23. Make sure you don’t promise things you can’t deliver. And for that matter, make sure you’re not promising things you’re not even capable of doing.

24. Making promises you can’t keep is equivalent to making false promises and is a sign of neediness.


25. Faking love to people is like a dream. You tell them what you think they wanna hear, and then move on before anyone realizes what you’re really about. Is it really as simple as it sounds? What about the people who get hurt?

26. Fake love is just as bad as no love.

27. Making fake love promises are never justified. There are many types of relationships in life, but love is the most important thing. Why then do people say they love you when it’s all fake? The promise ought to be genuine not a lie.

28. Fake love promises are only harmful. You are either getting involved in something that can bring joy and happiness to your life or you’re getting involved in something that will help you get hurt over and over again.

29. A fake love promise is misleading and dishonest. It’s cowardly.

30. Fake love promises are just a mirage that makes us believe in something that is not real. A mirage that is made just for us to see, a mirage that runs so fast to deceive.

31. Oh, how painful and regretful making false love promises can be? It is so sad to watch someone you love more than yourself go through the pain of believing what you say when in reality it is all fake.

32. Making fake love promises can show just how much you will go for someone to only get hurt in the end.

33. Fake love is the worst because it comes with false promises.

34. People who fake love and make empty promises are not worth your time, energy or heart. They may be extremely charming, but all people who use this strategy want one thing – to please and impress you. When they achieve it, they leave immediately after ‘the big moment’ to search for their next victim.

35. Find someone who’s comfortable enough in their own skin to tell you “Maybe” instead of making fake promises with a “Yes”

36. Don’t be fooled by their words, they are just a bunch of promises that will never be kept.

37. It is very difficult to know who is going to be fake with you. But in the end, it’s not hard to notice at all.

38. If you make a promise, do your best to keep it. If you can’t, communicate that so both people are on the same page.

39. Love promises. I find that a lot of love promises are fake—and a little scary.

40. A girl needs to find a real guy who promises the stars and delivers the moon, not one who promises the moon and delivers empty words.

41. Love isn’t about making promises you can’t keep, it’s about finding someone you can’t live without.

42. Be careful. That person who is saying they will love you for a lifetime but can’t commit to a phone call in 10 minutes, will never be committed to you.

43. Making promises you can’t keep is a good way to lose trust, friends. Be careful who you make promises to and don’t take them lightly.

44. Making promises you don’t intend to keep, can be such pain. All you are telling them is what they want to hear–something that doesn’t align with your actions.

45. When a man and a woman fall in love they tend to make promises that they may not keep. This leads to the person being hurt when they find the partner has lied to them. This can be very painful and angering.

46. Making fake love promises or making fun of your partner is not funny. It’s frustrating.

47. It hurts when you make love promises to your partner and end up failing to follow through. It’s an even bigger pain and feels like a betrayal when you break those promises that your partner shared with you.

48. Making promises to your partner that you don’t intend to keep is going to hurt you and them both. If you won’t fulfil them, they will be left heartbroken and never trust again.

49. It is so hard to bear the pains of making fake love promises. And to give love, you must care. And if you care too much, sometimes it hurts a lot.

50. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, and don’t promise a heart that is not yours to give.

Fake Promises of Love Quotes

Promises are fragile things. It’s easier to break a promise than to keep it. Yet we’re governed by them. We make promises every day, every time we say I love you. It’s a promise that keeps people together and it’s a fake promise of love that tears people apart.

51. I hate when people break their promises. A promise wakes you up in the morning and lets you sleep at night with a clear conscience.

52. Relationships don’t work when you make promises and do not keep them.

53. Making fake love promises to your partner in a relationship is not going to make the love last.

54. If someone you love, betrays you by making you make fake love promises, I know exactly how it feels. But the best thing you can do confronts your partner with their actions and express your feelings. Otherwise, the betrayal, neglect and pain will eat you away until all you are left with, is regret.

55. Nothing is worse than making fake love promises to someone you care about. These fake love promises have left a lot of people in a deep state of despair and sadness.

56. We make all sorts of promises to the one we love, but unfortunately, we can’t always keep them. We promise to always be there for each other, no matter what and not to let anything harm our connection. But when things get tough and times get hard, many of us decide that it is too much effort to keep up these promises and act like we never made them in the first place.

57. People in non-committal relationships make fake love promises all the time just so they can feel like they mean something to another person.

58. Making love promises is easy but keeping them is hard. Love will come and go, it’s just not meant to stay. All we end up doing is making a fool out of each other. It’s best if we just learn to be friends, the feelings that we once shared are already gone.

59. I know what you are feeling right now. I felt it years ago with someone I thought was the love of my life. They made many promises, but none of them came true. I ended up being alone and heartbroken. Don’t let this happen to you. It’s not worth it. Let him go before you get hurt even more.

60. I feel your pain buddy. Girlfriends and boyfriends need to be honest with each other. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Beware of empty promises.

61. Making love promises which will never be fulfilled is one of the greatest sadness that can come from a relationship.

62. We all have a tendency to make promises to our partners that we don’t live up to. It’s easy to do while in a relationship, but breaking those promises causes resentment and sadness.

63. When you make promises, I believe that you are going to stick by them. If you don’t, then what does that say about our relationship? I was so sure that we had a love for each other, but it’s turned out to be nothing more than a lie.

64. It’s easy to give a promise of love when you know they will hold you accountable. It’s not so easy to follow through with that promise when your feelings start to turn. I never meant to lie. I thought it was harmless. Now I’ve lost the only woman who ever made me feel like the man of her dreams.

65. Making promises to someone you love because you think you know the right thing to say, but are not certain you can follow through is a very dangerous road.

66. The more you make empty promises in your relationship, the more you bring sadness and disappointment to both of you. Only when both parties are honest and sincere from the beginning, will true love form and last.

67. Making fake love promises to make your partner happy is like putting a band-aid on an open wound.  When you finally get around to trying to fix things between you and him, the swelling (of his resentment towards you) will simply have gotten worse.

68. The people who make love promises are the ones who create problems in a relationship. It may start lightly, but it always ends in disaster.

69. Unfortunately making love promises to your partner doesn’t guarantee they will keep you. My dear, hearts are fickle and change strongly with little blame. Enjoy the feeling of falling in love when you’re in a relationship, but be prepared for the heartbreak beneath the surface.

70. Making love promises to your partner in a relationship is a risk if you aren’t willing to go through with them.

71. Love can be just a word without meaning. Promises are made to strain your heart. But if you care enough, you will feel the pain of making them.

72. Making promises to someone you love is an act of kindness. However, sometimes those promises aren’t well thought out and they can not only make you feel trapped and unappreciated, but they can cause sadness if they are not kept.

73. The day one of you makes a promise to the other – you are setting yourself up for emotional pain. Love is not a promise, it is an attitude.

74. Making fake love promises to your partner in a relationship only causes more sadness and despair, but still, you are too afraid to speak the truth because you don’t want to lose that person.

75. Making fake love promises to a woman that you can’t bring yourself to follow through with is a very dangerous game. It will lead to heartbreak, broken trust and it’s a way of manipulating your soul mate into doing things for you.

76. It is truly sad when you make false promises to your partner in your relationship and end up hurting them. It’s an even bigger lie than cheating on a loved one as you could have ended the relationship if you were not ready for marriage.

77. It’s a sad thing about life that so many people make promises in relationships that they don’t keep. As you grow older you start to realize there are many people who make promises of love in order to get what they want from you. They empty your wallet and fill your heart with sadness.

78. Sometimes when you are in a relationship, you make false promises to each other. This is when one person promises another something but never intends on fulfilling that promise. This causes a lot of tension and resentment in relationships because it will feel like the other person is being cheated on.

79. It’s difficult to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t there for you all the time. Making promises about love and romance you can’t always fulfil doesn’t make for a good connection.

80. Making promises is so easy, keeping them is harder. Some people make these love promises as a ploy to get what they want.

81. These fake love promises hurt worse than any break-up, they are the worst kind of lies to say. The heart wants what it wants, but it takes a strong person to look back at these moments with regret.

82. Making fake love promises to someone is like a ticking time bomb. You just don’t know when it’s going to explode.

83. Nothing hurts more than knowing that you made a promise to love someone who was faking it. I know how you feel and how deep the cuts can run when you realize that your feelings were nothing more than a game.

84. You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, because after a while people stop believing in your words. Even worse, they leave because no one likes to be lied to. The worst thing you can do is put others under false hopes and make them believe things will get better now that you don’t mean it.

85. It’s hard to make fake love promises, especially in a relationship where you have made so many of them. I’ve said so much in an effort to keep your trust, but it’s not easy to convey those words of love when they weren’t always there.

86. There is nothing worse than realizing that the words you repeated to each other were not sincere. You both knew that it wasn’t true and that your love for each other was false.

87. Making commitments in a relationship takes courage and loyalty. Sometimes you hurt your partner’s feelings when you don’t keep the promise you make even if it is not intentional.

88. Promises are more than words my friend, they are symbols of your intentions. If you make a promise, break it and your partner will never forgive you.

89. Making fake love promises and then not following through is a very painful thing to do in any relationship.

90. You and I are like fake promises, which we both know won’t be kept.

91. The only promises we should make are the ones we know we can keep.

92. You can make all the fake love promises you want. But if they are not true, they are as empty as your heart.

93. Fake love, fake promises. I gave more than I could take and put my trust in you. Now there’s nothing left inside. I gave you all of me, the good and bad, and you took it all just to toss it back. You made false promises that couldn’t be kept and even if they could have been, you wouldn’t have.

94. It’s easy to make empty promises when you don’t mean them. But, it hurts a lot more when we’re the ones being hurt.

95. There is no sadness greater than the sadness of false love. When you have been loved, and you have made love promises that were fake and when your lies are uncovered the heartbreak can be like nothing ever experienced.

96. It can be very dangerous making love promises you can’t keep. Don’t build people from the ground up, only to tear them down later. If you’re going to love someone, then love them with everything you’ve got. Real love is selfless and never demands anything in return. Fake love is selfish and seeks power over others.

97. Making fake love promises is one of the worst things a person can do. Because when you promise somebody something and then violate it, you not only hurt the other person but yourself as well.

98. If you love someone with all your heart, promise that it will never end. I know what the truth feels like and I hate the feeling of being lied to because the truth can hurt.

99. We all make promises we mean to keep but never do. If you want love to last, stop making empty promises. You will let your love down and hurt them in the long run. Let them know you mean what you say, or live with the consequence of that broken promise.

100. Sometimes we say things we don’t mean just to spare another’s feelings and it ends up hurting us more than it helps. There is a deep sadness in our hearts when we make promises that can’t be kept. Love is special and should be never be taken lightly.

Making love promises but not keeping them makes you fake, undeserving of trust, and an all-around bad person. So remember, when you willingly engage in an intimate relationship, you must be willing to give it your all. You must be ready to make real love promises, not fake love promises. Make sure that your heart is ready and prepared to give everything to this person before you make a commitment.